Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 06, 2008

February Beach Baby

Well just one of the many great things about living in Florida is the weather. These pics are from where Joey and I went to the beach early Feb. This is a new beach we have found that all the locals go to, it is called Micklers Beach. So far we have seen three whales and 2 dolphins here. The shells on this beach are INCREDIBLE. In fact the shells are so thick in some places you have to dig through the shells to find sand.

This pic is funny cause Joey and I were eating a snack and made the mistake of feeding these stupid birds....they kept stalking us : )

He loves to let his feet sink in the sand

Nothing like digging a big hole and sitting in it : ) You can see all the big shells coming in with the tide...lots of sharks teeth too. In fact a man fishing close to us caught a baby shark right where we had just been in the water....glad it was a baby!!!!

Waiting for the big waves....he loves to watch the surfers and act like one

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Handyman Joey

We are remodeling the kitchen and Joey Z. decided to join in the fun. Isn't he cute with his little tool belt on?