These are just some random pics from January! You will see how wild the weather is here in North Florida, some days Joey is practically naked and other days we are in long sleeves : )
Here he is doing his 24 piece dinosaur puzzle that Santa brought him. He mastered this one so I bought him another and he mastered that one in five I think I am going to have to buy some with more pieces....the kid is a puzzle whiz!

Making car-cakes with the Joey Z. This awesome cake pan was a gift from Aunt Martha and Uncle Rick! Joey is quite the little cook, he asks everyday now to make more car-cakes

Our finished product...he is looking at the icing and sprinkles we were fixing to decorate with.

I had to include this picture of his cute "bed-head". So adorable!!!

We were gardening recently and so Joey donned his garden gloves (also from Martha and Rick : ) and his rain boots and ran around "helping us"

Jumping off things is a delight for a 2 1/2 yr old boy!!! At first he was scared to jump, but his My Gym classes have really made his physical confidence soar!!! Skinny kid, just look at those ribs... Mama is shoving food at him 24/7 drives me nuts!!!