Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy 5th Birthday Jacob!!!

We all had a great time at Jacob's Pirate Pool Party!!!
Here is a good pic of the Big Five Year Old!!!! Happy Bday Jacob!!
Joey driving the pirate ship
Our little scoundrel
Slip sliding away

All the boys playing the fishing game Jacob got
A group pic of the pool

Thanks for a great time!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday Joey

We had an spectacular day on Joey's birthday. That morning we woke up and headed to Gatlinburg for some fun. Joey got to stop and ride some Kiddie Rides and he really liked them and then we headed to the Aquarium which he really loved.
Joey riding the spin cups
The kiddie swings

The Train with Da
The Merry-Go-Round with Mama
He LOVED the airplane
He started waving to people during the ride, funny boy!
Seeing his favorites the Jellyfish, he told us you bounce on in Nemo ( a favorite movie)
Touching a shark, Joey calls all sharks Bruce, another Nemo reference

He loved the coral reef

Finally we found Nemo and Dori
He really liked crawling "inside" the aquariums

Then after his nap we had Nana and Aunt Mare over and we all watched Joey open gifts and eat cake.
Here he is blowing out his candles. The cake isn't as pretty as the one we bought for his party, but it was made and decorated by Mama with Da's buttercream it had more love in it.
His BIG gift the train table and Sights and Sounds Accessories Bench.....he hasn't stopped playing with it since.

Showing Nana his favorite train he has been wanting and wanting called Mighty Mac

A great facial expression when he realize he got Buzz, Woody and Jessie : )

A big hug for his Nana
I wish I could put all the pics on here, he got lots of gifts and loved them all. A great 2nd birthday...what a big boy we have.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Joey's 2nd Birthday Party

I can hardly believe that our wonderful blessing of a son will be 2 years old tomorrow. How time flies by!!!! Seems like just yesterday that I saw his face and those eyes for the first time and I fell immediately and hopelessly in love for the rest of my life. What a total blessing to our lives Joey is! He has grown so much, there isn't anything the kid can't say and almost nothing he can't do. He loves Chuck E. Cheese and Thomas the Train. He gives hugs and kisses all the time and loves to snuggle in the morning. Such a social boy he never meets a stranger and is always ready with a smile for anyone. It is such an honor to watch him grow and learn.
Anyway, Joey's birthday party was a HUGE success...we had close to 40 people and I hope everyone had a blast!!! Here is our family before the party started. (Thanks Tiff!)
The Thomas Cake
Our Little Birthday Conductor
It was so hard to wait for the guests to arrive before digging in : )

We had a HUGE ballpit brought in the backyard and all the kids LOVED IT!!! It was even hard to get them to come in for cake and ice cream!!! Joey you will notice is always next to the pretty girls : )

Ready for his turn at the pinata
All the kids grabbing the pinata loot, Benjamin helping Joey collect his
Ready to blow out his candle, Joey got so excited when everybody started singing Happy Birthday to him. Just look at that smile!

Blowing it out

All of Bill's side of the family, not sure where Nana and Vic are? But a good pic anyway.

Joey riding in his present from Mama and Da. He loves his Fire Engine

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Boy!!
You are loved more than any words can say : )
Thank you for making us a Mama and a Da!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A special gift!!

Martha and Rick always send Joey the best gifts (note the rocker from last year, still his favorite seat) and we caved and couldn't wait anymore, so we let Joey open the cards they sent this year before his party.
Opening the Thomas card that they sent.
He loves how it choo-choooed when he opens it
And his other card (they sent him 2 cards) with a giftcard in it!!! And boy was he excited

He would not let it we loaded up the car and head to Smart Toys and Books and got the Giggling Trucks and Garden Shed...and Joey played with them the rest of the night : ) But guess what he STILL has his giftcard...he wasn't ready to let it go : ) He loves to carry it around and show it off!

Thank you so much Aunt Martha and Uncle Rick!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Happy Fourth of July!!!

We had a great week of July 4th festivities. Here is Joey having fun with our yard flags.
Learning how to write with sparklers
Fun in the sun and pool with a Popsicle..he must have had at least four : )
Joey LOVED the fireworks "show" that the people who live on the street next to ours put on every year...he thought it was great and would say "boom, bang" and "yay fireworks" he still talks about the red fireworks.
We also visited Bill's friend Dave Murphy at his family's home on Norris Lake and it was an awesome time with awesome people. Unfortunately I forgot to take the camera out on the boat,but Joey loved the lake. He tubed and rode jet ski's. He almost fell asleep while riding the tube and he thought it was so funny to watch Dave and Bill tube and run into each other. He also loved riding on the front of the boat and letting the wind blow on him. Thank you to the Murphy's for the wonderful day at the lake and sharing your beautiful home with us!!!!!!
Dave, Bill and Joey
Bill, Dave, Joey and Jen (Dave's very pretty wife!)

Friday, July 06, 2007


We trekked down to Huntsville,Al to help Uncle Rick celebrate his 60th birthday! To look at him you would NEVER guess he is 60...hope I got some of those genes in my DNA. We all had a GREAT time and of course thanks to Aunt Martha the food was outstanding!!!
Here is Joey with the Birthday boy Rick
And some special bonding time between Joey and Rick....teaching him the fundamentals of proper nose-picking
Joey giving Jim (an awesome guy) a big hug....the kids gives great hugs!!!! He is a squeezer!
Joey playing piano with the always gorgeous Molly. Joey just loves Molly to death and he loves the piano too (I think we are going to have to buy him one : )

Playing on a rock in Rick and Martha's front yard...he loved this rock and he looks so cute