Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Egg Hunt

Saturday we were invited to an Easter Egg Hunt at our friends Tony and Renee's house. Joey has an absolute blast!!
Here we are in front of the egg hunt sign.
Ready for the hunt to begin.....
and he is off!
Scoping out eggs was serious business to this little guy!

Found another one Da!
Look at all my eggs Mama : )

All the eggs found, a special guest showed up and Joey had to run up and give the Easter Bunny a BIG HUG!

Finally a rare pic of all of us together....I love my family!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Happy 2nd Bday Faith and other friends too

Happy 2nd Bday Faith!!!
Hard to believe Joey's pal (and next door neighbor) Faith turned two years old recently. Joey had a blast at her party. Here are the two of the cute!!!

And holding hands : )

Trying to get a pic of all the guests, Joey did not want to stand still AT ALL- but the bday girl look great : )

Some cute pics of Joey and his pal Luke...watching the world go by.

A great pic with Nicole and Joey...she is practicing for her soon to come baby sister. I am not sure where "Big-guy" Anthony was in this pic.... we'll post one of him soon.
Of course, there are many friends we see every week not included in these pics but we will get them in here soon I am sure. Mom just keeps forgetting her camera on outings : )

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wonderful Weekend

Last weekend was so beautiful we all spent most of our time outside. Here is our beautiful boy standing in the sunshine, just looking cute and shooting Mama a smile.
He still loves his swing set!!!
Him and Da had a great time with his new play tunnels
He LOVED being up around the trees in our backyard (taking after my cousin Andy maybe!) He kept asking where the monkeys were? We tried to explain we don't have many monkeys in TN, but he kept looking just the same.
Of course, he LOVED sliding down the hill.

Giving Daisy a hug
Teasing Daisy with the ball, Bill says he looks like he is running in for a touchdown. But Mama says NOT YET!!

After his nap we went out front to make giant bubbles and eat ice cream cones. This later became disastrous when Joey dropped his cone, but we got him another and all was right with the world. Incidentally since this first cone the kid has become an ice cream FANATIC and will come ask me for a cone almost every day.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Bathtime Fun

Lately, bathtime is the best time at our house. Joey absolutely loves the water and is not at all scared or intimidated (which actually scares me a little)
Here he is putting up with me spiking his hair. The look on his face says it all...okay hurry up and take the picture Mom.
Just like me (and my Nanny before me) the kid is a floater. He floats on his back and belly and can almost blow bubbles. He isn't too thrilled that we insist on "helping" him by keeping our hand underneath. Bill cannot wait for summer to start teaching him how to swim. Our little waterbug.
Another favorite is pouring water over his own head...he thinks it is SO FUNNY!!!!

The best time in the bath is when Joey starts to involve us by SOAKING US DOWN! See that innocent look and those arms in the air......
THIS IS WHAT COMES NEXT and you better move back.

Then after we are laughing our butts off and trying to stay dry... Joey starts to laugh and laugh...he thinks this is the best joke to play on Da and Mama.